Claims Adjust

Client: Amica Mutual Insurance Company
Role: UX/UI
Devices: iPad, Watch


As part of the Apple + IBM MobileFirst for iOS program, we designed Claims Adjust to provide adjusters with the necessary tools to prioritize, document and close claims from the field. 

Amica’s main challenge was that their claim adjusters had many disjointed workflows and analog processes that made them less efficient and left the door open to errors. Adjusters needed to perform tasks like keeping track of their claims, maintain claim diaries, and properly document evidence and events regardless of form factor (audio, video, photos, notes, etc).

Consequently, this made it necessary for them to carry equipment such as cameras, note pads, documents, writing tools, measuring tape, GPS equipment, cell phone, etc. to fulfill their duties. 

While in the field, adjusters only had access to pertinent and relevant information in their office computer thus unnecessarily tethering them and adding more complexity to their jobs.

Given their disjointed processes, adjusters would often leave administrative tasks until the end of the day forcing them to recall older information that could introduce inaccuracies in their reports. 


We began the project in the Apple Enterprise Design Lab where we conducted a 3-day intensive workshop. The users were at the center of the workshop and as part of the process, we conducted user interviews, explored the day-in-the-life of the user, prioritized pain points, created a “Golden Thread” (narrative that defines the optimal experience for the user), sketched on whiteboards to capture overall process and data points, collaborated with data architects to understand how their systems of record were set up, created a “happy path” flow, designed initial high-fidelity concepts and prototyped to vet and test with the users in real-time.

User pain points

Day in the life of the user

By the third day of the workshop, we got a high-level buy-in from the client regarding project scope, requirements and initial design direction. Given our Agile environment, we iterated quickly and worked closely with the client to move design and development with a steady cadence.

Appointment Detail Screen - Whiteboard Sketch

7-Day Diary Screen - Whiteboard Sketch

After the workshop, we entered a 12-week MVP design/development cycle where we did playbacks for the client every 2 weeks and confirmed we were in alignment with the user’s needs. We also worked closely with developers to ensure that the MVP release met all scoped requirements.


We designed an intuitive user experience on iPad and Apple Watch and revolutionized the way adjusters worked. By taking their analog processes, supercharging their insights using rich analytics and leveraging existing iOS technologies, we streamlined their workflow and empowered them with the right tools to perform their duties. The iPad app was the focus of the user experience initially. Later we designed an experience for the Apple Watch which allowed users to receive timely notifications, appointment reminders and navigate to claim sites.

iPad and Apple Watch app

We also took careful considerations in designing an experience that was adaptable to various screen sizes so adjusters could multitask with the app while having other iOS apps like Notes or Maps open. This also made it possible to use their iPhones and still be able to complete their jobs.

Adaptable design for various screen sizes and multitasking

Our design solutions have dramatically increased the accuracy and speed of the claims adjustment process and vastly improved the way Amica agents work.